
How to use Structure Tree

A structure tree is a diagram approach to the FMEA document. FMEA Studio has a Structure Tree task pane to view/edit the structure tree diagrams of the FMEA document.

Getting started with Structure Tree

To work with the structure tree, the Structure Tree task pane needs to be opened. Here is how to open the Structure Tree task pane,

  1. Open an FMEA document or create a new FMEA document.
  2. Click on the Structure Tree button in the FMEA Studio ribbon tab to open the Structure Tree task pane.
  3. The Structure Tree task pane shows up. Each FMEA document may have one or many structure trees. To display a structure tree, a corresponding item needs to be selected. If no structure tree displays, a message instructs you to select the appropriate items.

Structure Tree toolbar

After selecting the appropriate items, the corresponding structure tree will be displayed. At the top left of the Structure Tree task pane is a toolbar with 4 buttons to navigate and save the diagram.

  1. Zoom in: click this button to zoom the diagram.
    Tip: Alternative way is holding the Ctrl key and scrolling up the mouse wheel to zoom in on the area where the mouse pointer is located.
  2. Zoom out: Click this button to zoom out the diagram.
    Tip: Alternative way is holding the Ctrl key and scrolling down the mouse wheel to zoom in on the area where the mouse pointer is located.
  3. Fit page: click this button if you want to see the whole diagram in one view.
  4. Save image: use this button to save the image of the diagram as an image file. FMEA Studio allows you to save images in the following format: PNG, JPG, JPEC, and PDF.

Structure Tree right-click the menu

The structure Tree task pane not only provides diagram views for FMEA documents but also allows users to edit directly on the diagram.

Right-click on an item, and the right-click menu shows up allowing you to modify the diagram and also the PFMEA document as following actions:

  1. New Item Before: Creating a new item before (upper) the selected item.
  2. New Item After Creating a new item after (lower) the selected item
  3. Edit: Edit the selected item.
  4. Delete: Delete the selected item.

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