FMEA Analysis Document Searching


FMEA Analysis Interface Overview

1. Interface Overview

After the successful installation of FMEA Analysis. FMEA Analysis adds 2 elements in Excel:

  1. FMEA Analysis tab in the Excel ribbon which is located after the Home tab.
  2. FMEA Analysis task panes, there’re 3 task panes is added in Excel by FMEA Analysis.

2. FMEA Analysis Tab

  1. New from Templates: Create new FMEA/Control Plan/DRBFM from built-in templates
  2. Template Settings: Close/Open Template Settings task pane.
  3. Guide and Tips: Close/Open Guide and Tips task pane.
  4. Risk Analysis: Close/Open Risk Analysis task pane.
  5. Insert Item: Insert new item below the selected item.
  6. Delete Item: Delete the selected item.
  7. Fit Item: Fit content of the selected items.
  8. Copy Formula: Copy formula of the first item in a column to lower items.
  9. Auto Fit: Turn on/off auto-fit function.
  10. Enter To Insert: Turn on/off enter to insert function.
  11. Min Row Height: Set up the minimum row height of an item.
  12. Search: Search in a column.
  13. Clear: Clear the search.
  14. Tools: Extra tools, includes convert the old documents and copy worksheet
  15. Activate Pro Edition: Activate Pro Edition with the serial number received after purchasing Pro Edition license.
  16. Help: Access help document.
  17. About: Information about the software: edition, version, and license.

3. Task panes

3.1 Template Settings task pane

This task pane allows users to set up:

  1. Column structure,
  2. Column description,
  3. And the external linked column

3.2 Guide and Tips task pane

This task pane displays the related information of the column and the item being edited. Includes:

  1. Column Description
  2. Quick Tips

3.3 Risk Analysis task pane

This task pane allows user to setup information related to the risk evaluation in an FMEA analysis, which includes:

  1. Index Columns: Specify Severity, Occurrence and Detection column
  2. Risk Indicator Type: Type of indicator, Risk Priority Number (RPN), Severity-Occurrence-Detection (SOD), Critical Number (CN) or Color Code Red Yellow Green (RYG).
  3. Evaluation method: The method used to evaluate the risk, which includes: Top Risks, Threshold
  4. Risk matrix: Allow user to set the risk level based on Severity and Occurrence
Updated on March 28, 2022

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